Anything lost can be found again, except for time wasted!

As a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I help people achieve their goals in health and wellness and maintain them for life!

Bearded Ax Muscle & Fitness gym equipment
Nutrtion Coach Bremerton WA 3

What are your goals?

Are you trying to make better choices when it comes to food? Maybe you want to stop struggling to tie your shoes? Then, what you need is a coach! Being a personal trainer and nutrition coach in Bremerton, WA, I can help you achieve those goals! Welcome to Bearded Ax Muscle & Fitness, where I help clients achieve their specific goals by providing a science based approach and the full breadth of my experience. Whether you want to lose weight, perform better athletically, improve mobility, make better food choices, or just plain start being a more active person, I’ve got you!

Are you ready to make a change?

Contact Bearded Ax Muscle & Fitness now! The first step is to take action!
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got! Let’s make a change!

Private Personal Training

Nutritional Coaching

Online Programming

We do what we do today so that future us looks back and says "Thank you!"