With a new year comes an opportunity for reinvention of the self. Every year people make resolutions with the hope to change their lives for the better. Among the top resolutions each year are, you guessed it: exercise more, lose weight, get healthy etc. No matter how you phrase it, the most popular goal revolves around health and fitness, and that’s great! The downside: few manage to make these resolutions a reality.
So, how can you set yourself up for success with your health and fitness goals in 2022?

Define Your Goal
You’ve probably heard of SMART goals. If not, let me spare you the google search. SMART goals are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Any goal you set for yourself should be defined in a clear manner so that you know what it is you’re striving for. Making a goal objectively measurable makes it so you can see your progress and know that you are moving in the right direction on your timeline.
Make Your Goal Visible
It may seem silly but, after you’ve made your SMART goal, make it visible. Write it down or print it out and put it somewhere that you’ll see it each day. This simple act will help keep you accountable to yourself and keep your progress at the front of your mind.
Manage Your Time
Time management is one of the hardest tasks for people to accomplish. So many people work multiple jobs, have kids or are so active in their communities that they don’t think they can make the time for your their health and wellness: they’re wrong. Make a daily calendar and see how you spend your time. After looking at their current schedule, typically people find that they actually could fit in 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. Then what? Put it in your calendar! Seeing something scheduled will always help increase personal awareness and accountability.
Track Your Progress
Want to eat healthier this year? Track your nutrition. You could do this in an analog fashion or digitally. There are so many online tools and apps that make food tracking incredibly intuitive and easy.
What about weight loss? Track your weight and body measurements. Set a regular schedule (not too frequent, or you could think your aren’t progressing fast enough), I typically have my clients shoot for every 4 weeks, and take your measurements the same way and under the same conditions. Take progress photos in the same clothing, lighting and location to truly see how you’re doing.
What about building strength? Again, track it. Track your lifts and exercises week to week. Not only can you see your strength gain and increase to your muscular endurance, but this can also motivate you to push a little harder. “Last week, I used 10 lb. dumbbells. I think I could do it with 15.”
Get a Coach
It’s one thing to be a self starter. Maybe you can keep yourself motivated and accountable. However, most people need that external resource; that person that provides the encouragement, accountability and motivation to stick to their endeavors. I have never been so successful as when I’ve had coaches hold me accountable and help me reach my goals.