Is a Personal Trainer Worth It?

Personal Trainer

That’s the question we all ask ourselves, right? Time and again when we don’t reach our goals we think “Is a personal trainer worth it?” Well, let’s look at why the question is being asked. Are you in peak health? Do you feel well and fit? Of course not! You’ve tried and haven’t met the milestone you’ve set out for. Or, maybe you’re one of the few that saw some improvement and then thought “can I go further?”

This is where honesty plays a huge role. You have to admit to your shortcomings. The bottom line is this: you haven’t got what I call “the other big three.”

The Other “Big Three”

Not to be confused with squat, bench and deadlift; you either don’t have the time, the accountability or the motivation. Maybe you’re missing them all or just one. It doesn’t matter. A personal trainer provides those to you.

Don’t have time? Everyone has the same 24 hours every single day. A personal trainer will help you manage your time better so you can devote the small amount needed to your own wellness and health.

No accountability? When you get a personal trainer, you enter a partnership. A good personal trainer will show through their actions that they are accountable to you, and you to them. Your investment in one another is what helps you both succeed.

No motivation? Well, I’m sure you would like to be able to keep up with your kids or grand kids. Maybe not make the difficult grunt when it’s time to tie your shoes. That should be enough motivation right? Maybe in an ideal world, but that isn’t the case with most of us. There’s a great resource that can help with motivation and that’s a personal trainer! This goes hand in hand with accountability. The person that wants you to succeed just as much as you is your personal trainer and by keeping you motivated, you’ll want to stick to your goal!

I’ve spoken about this before, but it bears repeating.