After a long night of physical activity for a local charity function, I awoke to some extra sore back muscles. Luckily for me, my trusty theracane was nearby. So, I got to work on some SMR and started to feel so much better. The pain just melted away.
If you’ve ever worked with a physical therapist, massage therapist or chiropractor, you’ve probably heard the acronym “SMR.” If you like to browse youtube, you may think “isn’t that the goosebump reaction?” And, if you’re an ego lifter, you may think “what does my single rep max have to do with this?” Both are wrong. In the first instance we are talking about ASMR. In the latter, that’s a “one-rep max” or 1RM.
SMR means “self myofascial release.” But that’s a mouthful, so let’s stick with SMR, shall we?
In a nutshell, SMR is the act of applying stimulus to overly tightened areas of muscle to relieve the discomfort. These areas are what most of us would simply call “knots.” You may have also heard them called “trigger points.” Most of you have seen and probably used a foam roller. That’s fantastic! That should remove some of the mystery. There are other tools we can use in our search for muscle relief. And no, it doesn’t always have to be an expensive massage. But do treat yourself, because they are wonderful.
The How
Not long ago, I made a quick video about SMR. Besides looking like a goofball, there are some great examples of tools for SMR. And there’s nothing wrong with using a tennis or lacrosse ball either. That video is also a really good crash course in performing SMR and it lists out a bunch of benefits.
How does it work? Well, our muscles have these things called “Golgi Tendon Organs” or GTOs. The long and short is, they relax the trigger point after a period of continuous pressure. Usually 30 seconds is enough. If you’d like more technical information, please reach out.
Wrapping up
SMR is great for any one. It is especially beneficial in recovery after physical activity. Here’s a study on the subject if you’re interested. Look, you’re exercising to be healthier. Self therapy like SMR helps you remain capable on your health and wellness journey. So do yourself a favor, and keep loose. And treat yourself to a massage.